
Blog posts August 2023

When we think of poetry critique, the image of seasoned scholars and literary experts often comes to mind. However, there's an underappreciated group of individuals with a remarkable knack for unravelling the mysteries of poetic verses: high school students. As an educator who has had the privile...

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Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher, is renowned not only for his profound contributions to the realm of philosophy but also for his unique method of inquiry that challenged conventional wisdom and led to the emergence of critical thinking. At the heart of Socrates' teachings lies the intrigu...

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In education, fostering a love for learning and igniting the flames of curiosity are paramount goals. Science fiction poems, a captivating fusion of scientific exploration and poetic expression, offer a novel approach to achieving these aims. This article delves into the fascinating world of scie...

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Writing has long been regarded as a medium for self-expression and creativity, a window into the depths of the human experience. Traditional advice often encourages writers to "write what you know," emphasizing the importance of drawing from personal experiences and knowledge. However, a new pers...

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