

When it comes to philosophy, we often associate the discipline with great thinkers throughout history, such as Socrates, Plato, and Descartes. However, in our quest to understand the complexities of life, we often overlook the profound insights and thought-provoking questions that emerge from the minds of children. In this exclusive interview with Scott Hershovitz, a renowned philosopher and professor, we delve into the reasons why children make great philosophers and explore the fascinating world of their philosophical inquiries.


The Natural Curiosity of Children:

Children possess an innate curiosity about the world around them. From a young age, they ask fundamental questions that challenge our understanding of reality. Scott Hershovitz highlights this aspect, saying, "Children have an uncanny ability to ask the most profound and straightforward questions that often reveal the gaps in our knowledge and assumptions." Whether it's pondering the meaning of life, the nature of existence, or the concept of time, their unfiltered inquiries push us to reevaluate our own beliefs and perspectives.


The Power of Wonder:

One of the distinguishing features of children's philosophical thinking is their ability to marvel at the wonders of the world. Hershovitz emphasizes, "Children approach philosophical questions with a sense of awe and wonder that can be transformative." Their fresh and untainted perspective allows them to see beauty and mystery in even the simplest aspects of life, prompting them to question and explore deeper meanings. By embracing their sense of wonder, we can learn to appreciate the subtle intricacies of existence that we may have overlooked in our adult lives.


Questioning Assumptions:

Children's natural inclination to question assumptions is a valuable trait that makes them great philosophers. Hershovitz explains, "While adults often take certain concepts for granted, children possess a remarkable ability to challenge established beliefs and norms." Whether it's questioning the existence of Santa Claus or pondering the limits of human knowledge, their skepticism opens doors to new avenues of thought and encourages critical thinking. By encouraging children to question, we foster an environment that nurtures their philosophical potential and stimulates intellectual growth.


Abstract Thinking and Creativity:

Children have an incredible capacity for abstract thinking and imagination. Their minds are not confined by the boundaries of conventional wisdom or societal norms, allowing them to explore abstract concepts freely. Hershovitz points out, "Their imaginative thinking often leads to philosophical inquiries that adults might dismiss as impractical or irrelevant." By tapping into their creativity, children can uncover unconventional insights and challenge conventional wisdom, making them capable of innovative and thought-provoking philosophical perspectives.


Embracing Open-Mindedness:

Children approach philosophical inquiries with a refreshing openness, devoid of preconceived notions and biases. Hershovitz explains, "Their willingness to consider various viewpoints and possibilities enables them to explore philosophical questions from multiple perspectives." This open-mindedness enables children to engage in genuine dialogue, respecting different opinions and fostering a deeper understanding of diverse philosophical viewpoints. By embracing this openness, adults can learn from children's ability to entertain ideas beyond their comfort zones, expanding their own philosophical horizons.



In a world often fixated on adult perspectives and established philosophical doctrines, we should not overlook the remarkable philosophical potential that lies within children. Their natural curiosity, wonder, skepticism, abstract thinking, and open-mindedness make them exceptional philosophers. By listening to their questions, engaging in meaningful conversations, and nurturing their philosophical development, we can encourage the growth of future thinkers who will continue to challenge and expand our understanding of the world. As Scott Hershovitz concludes, "Children have the potential to make profound contributions to the field of philosophy, reminding us that wisdom knows no age limits."

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